A good pixel artist has to learn and practice all the time. What I do in my free time is to convert some random pictures found on Internet to Commodore 64 and/or Commodore plus/4 formats. Please find here some of converts I’ve made for C65, C+4 and Atari 8bit. Keep in mind that these images are not pixel art. They are converts I made with Photoshop and later retouch or only recolor for retro appeal. The images here are 5-10 minutes quick exercises Please don’t put them on CSDB as my gfx releases. TIA.
Why I do that?
- Well first of all it’s fun.
- I like to see how particular pic will look like on retro computer color palette
- to try some new color ramps / color palettes
- to try some new pixeling techniques
- to learn how parts of the pics could be done as pixel art style
- it’s fun
- to improve my techniques
- etc
What you see below are:
- Axel Folley inspired by some relese at CSDB
- Mad MAx car also inspired by CSDB pic seen one day.
- Black Mail’s So-Phisticated pic but made for C+4 – my version made entirely in Photoshop. I tried to recreate this image in 5 minutes maximum. So that’s why is so imperfect
- Part of Lazurs pic from Amiga. Made long time age as first tries of my Photoshop technique
- Nolan Bushnell – planned for some Atari 8bit production but I never finished it
- Snake – inspired by some discussion/compo on CSDB