
This is my latest C64 picture. Another try of using Knut’s border gfx method. This one was a bit more challenging and I’m not super happy of the result, but you have to stop at some point and not try to perfectly finish it like forever…

The theme is kind fun word-play of Stormlord and Hammerfist game titles (sort of) ๐Ÿ˜‰

Some facts about this image

  • image is 160×284 fat pixels
  • code by Knut/Fossil. compiled with KickAssembler (+Sublime Text)
  • sketches done in Photoshop the rest in Timanthes.
  • used my own photo as a reference for the man face
  • planet was drawn very long time ago and actually reused many times ๐Ÿ˜‰
  • I tried line dithering to smoothly transition to scanlined border gfx but also because I wanted to try this style that recently gets popular on C64
  • I kind of start liking this line dithering and I think I could try it again ๐Ÿ™‚
  • sketch and final image below


