Development of the dame slowly progresses

Here’s a short development update for past week:
- Working on the first tileset for the first world of the game. Waht you see on the video is going to be one of the world’s graphics. Still a lot things to do, but at least the idea is here.
- Reimplemented the fuel gauge on the bottom panel. It’s more accurate and animates smoother… and it looks cooler
- Implemented my own fonts routine. I did that mainly to not use any workbench libraries of Amiga system.
- Also implemented my hex to decimal conversion routine that is used to show score and (later) also lifes left
- First initial Implementation of up-down scroll. It needs some tuning but it works.
- The copper colors in the background started to look like some parallax effect which, most likely I will keep in the game in this form
- sprites collisions implemented but turned off as for now
- collisions for collecting diamonds needs tuning as they are not accurate in all cases.
- For the copper colors I’ve implemented set of scripts to convert them from png files. This way I can simply draw them in gfx program and convert to Amiga OCS compliant copper colors. I needed this as there will be a lot of copper colors needed for levels.
- I also have set of scripts that convert tilemaps that I create in Tiled to my own format that I use in the game.
- Some code optimization was done because the game started to slow down on Amiga 500 configs
- some concept works on the overall gfx and design, like for example some experiments with the panel at the bottom
- Regarding the gfx, I usually work iteratively on it so please keep in mind that gfx is going to evolve during the development.
There’s still hell lot of work ahead of me so the development will continue. Next status update in 2-3 weeks (maybe quicker).